Our February 9th Saturday Snips gathering will take place at the Digby Heritage Centre at 7 Birch Street from 1 to 4.
We love seeing members come out with some show and tell and a project to work on.
Finding the Digby Heritage Centre is a little tricky, primarily because the building doesn’t have a sign on it. Go to Digby and continue down the main St. (WATER ST.) until you come to the yellow restaurant called “The Captain’s Cabin” on your right. At this point Water St. turns into Birch St. Ignore the street that veers off to the right. Directly across Birch St. (prev. Water St.) from The Captain’s Cabin is A PARKING LOT. The Heritage Centre is the small beige building with white trim and vertical windows at the back of the parking lot. It is back off the street and has 2 white flag poles out front. Look for the SOFAAR sandwich board. (You can find the building easily on Google Maps.)
SOFAAR looks forward to seeing you.
Our March gathering will also be our Annual General Meeting and it will take place on Saturday, March 9th in Annapolis Royal.