About 17 SOFAAR members met on Saturday October 13th to work on projects and show them off at the Paradise Hall.
Lots of tasty treats and wonderful work to look at.
Hope to see you next time!

About 17 SOFAAR members met on Saturday October 13th to work on projects and show them off at the Paradise Hall.
Lots of tasty treats and wonderful work to look at.
Hope to see you next time!
If you have not had a chance to visit the East meets West exhibit at the King’s theatre lobby in Annapolis Royal, you still have time.
The exhibit will now remain up until Saturday, November 3rd.
The 30 or more 10 by 10 inch pieces of different fibre techniques are wonderful to look at and we are thrilled to have had this joint exhibit with VISDA (Vancouver Island Surface Design Association).
Join us at the Paradise Community Hall from 1 to 4 pm on Saturday, October 13th for an afternoon of stitching and fibre crafting. Bring your current project or a show and tell and share an afternoon with like-minded fibre enthusiasts!
Refreshments will be provided.
10300 Highway One, Paradise.
This 4th annual Maritime Lace Day takes place on October 6th from 10 am to 4 pm at the Caribou Community Hall in Caribou River, NS.
Attendees are invited to bring their lunch and show and tell of all things lace.
The event is open to the public from 2 to 4 pm to see bobbin lace being made.
Special guest Gary Wood will be demonstrating the turning of wooden bobbins. And there will be a lace supplies for sale.