June Saturday Snips coming up!
June’s Saturday Snips event will take place on Saturday June 8th at the Granville Ferry Community Hall.
This hall is located at 5352 Granville Rd. in Granville Ferry just outside of Annapolis Royal.
Our event takes place from 1 to 4 pm.
Bring a project to work on, bring a show and tell and come and spend an afternoon with like-minded fibre enthusiasts.
Why not make a day of it ? Annapolis Royal has a wonderful Saturday outdoor market that begins at 8 am and runs till 1 pm. There you will find fresh produce, great bakery items, lunch of sausages or sushi. And there are lots of interesting little stores and spots to explore.
We look forward to seeing you on June 8th.
As always, refreshments will be served.

Fabric collage and thread painting workshop
There is one stop still left for this fabulous workshop with Rachael Ryan which will take place on May 26th at the Annapolis Royal Library.
SOFAAR Workshop with Rachel Ryan
Fabric Collage & Thread Painting
May 26, 2019, 10:30 to 4:3
Cost:SOFAAR members: $25; Non-members: $50
Workshop Description
This workshop is an informal one day class in which Rachel will recreate her own relaxed working process: participants will be encouraged to engage in hands-on ‘play’ rather than overthinking the concept. The point is not necessarily to have an end product, rather to become comfortable with process and technique.
Using a variety of fabrics and a fusible iron-on product, participants will create applique compositions. The pieces will then be embroidered using free-motion technique. Rachel will be available for technical assistance and creative feedback. Finishing techniques will also be discussed.
Workshop Preparation
Begin preparing for the workshop by assembling a bag or box of
fabric scraps for using and sharing. Choose items that give you ideas,
make you happy or give you a spark. Special things can be set aside for personal use, but
sharing is encouraged. This can help to inspire ideas in others. Make sure to have a few larger pieces of fabric to use as potential background or borders. Please don’t worry about buying all new fabrics! Rachel will be bringing lots of scraps if you don’t have much.
Participants will be expected to bring their own sewing machine, iron and a variety of threads and fabric scraps to share with one another, but if someone doesn’t have a machine or iron, they can borrow Rachel’s.
If you have a preferred type of fusible web you may bring it along, but Rachel will bring a quantity of Heat n’ Bond Lite that you can buy from her. You may also bring an image to work from if you choose, or simply have a theme, pattern, or colour scheme to play with.
If you have photos which inspire ideas for your project, they can be brought along, but for this workshop we will focus on having fun and playing with colour/pattern/fabric rather than going for photo-realism. A nice selection of sewing machine threads and hand embroidery threads/needles are also a good idea if you enjoy working with them. We will be working fairly small scale to encourage playing with different kinds of stitches and techniques.
Other items to think about would be scissors, quilting pins, sewing machine accessories and a small piece of blanket-weight quilt batting, and anything else that inspires you or that you enjoy working with. And bring along a lunch since it’s a full day.
To Register
Register by contacting info@sofaar.ca. You may pay at the door.
Saturday Snips this Saturday May 11th
Our monthly Saturday Snips gathering will take place at the Weymouth Waterfront Library community room this Saturday, May 11th from 1 pm to 4 pm.
We gather to work on our projects and share ideas and inspiration.
You are encouraged to bring show and tell!!
Refreshments will be served.

Small Treasures exhibit – call for entry
SOFAAR’s Small Treasures at the Mym Gallery
Call for Entry and Guidelines
All members of SOFAAR are invited to participate in the Small Treasures exhibition at the Mym Gallery at ArtsPlace in Annapolis Royal from September 8 to October 12, 2019.
The Mym Gallery is a tiny space perfectly suited for small pieces of fibre art so we are asking that entries for the show not exceed 40” (plus or minus) in perimeter. Work may be square, rectangular, circular, or any shape, like that of the tiny Crazy Christmas stockings made at our November workshop. The maximum size will allow members who created a piece for the 2018 East meets West exhibition to show their British Columbia entry at home.
You are invited to enter one or two pieces of your choice. Entries will not be juried.
Email thibodeaustacey@yahoo.ca with the following information for each entry by the deadline for receipt of entries, August 26, 2019:
–Title of the piece
–Size, height X width or perimeter
Each piece must be clearly labelled on the back (or inside) with the artist’s name and the title of the work.
Work to be hung must be ready for hanging, including a hanging rod, if applicable, and any special hardware if a simple nail will not suffice. If your work requires a special display, please provide it.
Although every care will be taken of the submitted work, the responsibility for loss and damage whilst in exhibition cannot be accepted by SOFAAR or ARCAC. We strongly advise that each artist obtain commercial insurance to cover the work in exhibition.
We ask that you deliver your work to ArtsPlace, September 3, 2019. If this is not possible, contact us at info@sofaar.ca to make alternate arrangements for delivery.
Deadline for receipt of entries – August 26, 2019
Work delivery date – September 3, 2019, ArtsPlace, Annapolis Royal
Exhibition opens – September 8, 2019
Exhibition closes – October 12, 2019
Collect your work from gallery – October 15, 2019 ArtsPlace, Annapolis Royal, 10:00-12:00.
SOFAAR presents the Art of Fibre – call for entry
SOFAAR presents the Art of Fibre Exhibition 2019
Call for entry and guidelines
ENTRIES: please send to: thibodeaustacey@yahoo.ca
All members of SOFAAR are invited to participate in the annual member’s exhibition at the Macdonald Museum, Middleton, from July 6 to September 2, 2019.
This year’s exhibition will not have a specific theme but we want to feature the excellence and the wide range of fibre art created by SOFAAR members. Submit your latest work or an older piece of which you are particularly proud to have created. We encourage original work but if it is not we ask that you credit the original designer. Acknowledgement should be given to anyone participating in the execution of the work, i.e.,quilted by, framed by, etc.
Here are some things to keep in mind when you are preparing for the exhibition;
– You are invited to submit one or two pieces of your choice. Entries will not be juried. All is welcome.
– We ask that you include a full digital image of your work for each entry. This helps us plan the layout for the gallery before installation.
– Email your photos to thibodeaustacey@yahoo.ca with the following information for each entry by the deadline for receipt of entries, June 17, 2019:
–Title of the piece
–Size, height X width
–Materials used
–Is the piece for sale? If so, what is the price?
–Please include an artist’s statement with your submission. The statement is simply one or two sentences explaining what inspired you to create the piece.
–Does SOFAAR have permission to use your photos to promote the exhibition?
– Each piece must be clearly labelled on the back with the artist’s name and the title of the work.
– Work to be hung must be ready for hanging, including a hanging rod, if applicable, and any special hardware if a simple nail will not suffice. If your work requires a special display, please provide it.
– Work may be for sale but the piece must remain until the closing date of the exhibition. The Macdonald Museum will record the contact details of anyone wishing to buy a piece. The owner of the piece can then communicate with the buyer to arrange for the sale.
-Every care will be taken of the submitted work. The Macdonald Museum have several security measures in place and carries insurance for catastrophic loss or damage. We advise that you have personal insurance for your work.
– We ask that you deliver your work to the Macdonald Museum June 24 or June 25, 2019. They are open from 9:00 until 4:30.If this is not possible, contact us atinfo@sofaar.cato make alternate arrangements for delivery.
-We ask that you collect your work at the Macdonald Museum September 3, 2019, from 10:00 – 12:00. If this is not possible, contact us atinfo@sofaar.cato make alternate arrangements.
Deadline for receipt of entries – June 17, 2019
Work delivery date – June 24, June 25, 2019, Macdonald Museum, 9:00-4:30
Opening Reception – July 6, 2019, 2:00-4:00
Exhibition closes – September 2, 2019
Collect your work from gallery – September, 3, 2019 Macdonald Museum, 10:00-12:00