Getting Started is a free workshop for SOFAAR members.

Sunday, January 19, 2020, 1:30 – 4:30 pm.

Snow date, Sunday, January 26, 2020, 1:30 – 4:30 pm.

Paradise Community Hall, 10,300 Hwy 1, Paradise, NS

The Sofaar Program committee invites you to an afternoon presentation by Karen Warner. This program is intended for members who would like to learn more about the principles of original design. Karen’s presentation will include the following:

-Sourcing good reference material

-What constitutes a good reference for a work of fibre

-Shape, Tone, Colour

-Colour temperature and how it affects the look of a work

-Composition and breaking up of borders, cutting things off and dynamic viewpoints

-Understanding tonality; making plains recede

-Complex colour


-Thumbnails and colour studies: How to do them and in what medium.

Karen had a private apprenticeship in the Old Master methods and materials of drawing and painting followed by 2 years in representational impressionism. She has taught privately and to groups since the late 90’s. She works mostly in oils, graphite and coloured pencils; however, the basics of all art have the same underpinning that is applied to all mediums, fibre art included.

Please bring a small notebook for your own use.

Please let us know if you plan to attend so we know how much nibbles to provide.

Contact <> to sign up!