All SOFAAR members are invited to attend a “social” on Wednesday, December 7th from 6 to 8 pm in Annapolis Royal.
This social gathering is a simple invitation to meet and great and nibble and drink a bit! And to show and tell…
To put us all in the Christmas mood we invite members, who wish to, to bring along for show and tell a Christmassy (or not!) fibre piece they have made or are making! It can be an ornament, a wearable piece of fibre art (mittens, anyone?) or any kind of fibre work you would like to show off! It doesn’t even have to be Christmassy! Now is your chance.
Our hospitality committee will look after food and drink, so just bring yourself and your show and tell.
If you are not presently a member of SOFAAR, come along and join!
Where :
chez Christine Igot
87 Fortier Mills Lane (behind the Fire Hall)
Annapolis Royal
Wednesday, December 7th from 6 to 8 pm
In order to give us an idea of how many members would be attending, please RSVP to: